Kay Chen Tan

Professor, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Email: kaytan@cityu.edu.hk

URL: http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/stfprofile/kaytan.htm

Title: Advances in Evolutionary Dynamic Multi-objective Optimization

Yong Liu

Professor, System Intelligence Laboratory, The University of Aizu, Japan

Email: yliu@u-aizu.ac.jp

URL: https://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/research/faculty/detail?cd=90020&lng=en

Title: The Return of Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks

Aimin Zhou

Professor, School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, East China Normal University, China

Email: amzhou@cs.ecnu.edu.cn

URL: http://faculty.ecnu.edu.cn/s/1949/t/22631/main.jspy

Title: Learning Guided Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization

Feng Wang

Professor, School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, China

Title: External Archive Matching Strategy for MOEA/D

Changhe Li

Professor, School of Automation, China University of Geosciences, China

URL: http://grzy.cug.edu.cn/cli/zh_CN/zhym/20497/list/index.htm

Title: Designing Multi-Population Methods: The Challenges